Thursday, October 13, 2011

Technology in Elementary Education

Technology has a lot of potential in elementary school instruction. Right now, the JSD curriculum for instruction for first grade is to know how to turn on and restart and keep the computer clean and safe. First graders have so much more potential than just knowing how to turn on a computer. For instance, several of them use computers at home, have iPods, and can operate cameras and DVDs. If first graders can accomplish all of these things, just think about what the kids in the primary grades can do with technology.
From things I have heard and seen, there is a plethora of ways that technology can be utilized in the classroom. My favorite technology use I have seen in the first grade is when I was subbing in Flagstaff and the first graders taught me how to use the Promethean. They were so hands on and it really motivated them to raise their hands, and volunteer to do work in front of the class. From our Educational Psychology class, we learned a lot about how students need those kinds of motivators to get to class sometimes, especially if they aren’t succeeding in other areas.
I think it is really important to let students succeed and be good at something like technology because they can use that information later on in life and be instrumental in helping the rest of the class learn. For instance, if a student is behind in math but can teacher their peers to use an iPod to listen to books, it can really boost their self esteem and make them successful at school!

1 comment:

  1. Bonnie, I totally agree about how important and powerful technology can be in the classroom. Also, it amazes me how quickly young students can pick up new technologies. The first graders in Flagstaff are a perfect example of that.
